A question that you can’t get any right answer from anyone.. Which is best Internet connection in the Philippines? There is the short answer and the long answer.. For the short and more relevant answer, the best internet connection in the Philippines, depends on your location.. yes location please a big role and so does number of users in that particular place.
Hardware Specs of your mobile, router, laptop or desktop comes into play too.
Number of people using the same connection
Software or Apps running at the time of the test.
Are you using WIFI or LAN connection? – LAN is generally faster and more responsive.. WIFI is another problem all together with so many competing frequencies available.
Malware and Viruses that connect without your permission can clog up the bandwidth.
DNS settings – Have you tried using Google’s or Cloudflare’s try it and see an added boost from using your telco provided DNS.
Your Data Allowance or DATA Cap… can slow down your usage/speed and access drastically. Try running Datally APP or any bandwidth management software to keep within your Data limits.
Ok so for the longer answer… it will depend on a lot of factors again just because not all areas have the same signal coverage.. 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G+ (there are even some telcos claiming 5G – joke?). Volume of users X quality of connection will still come into play and the same rules above will still apply.
There is a neat website that has mapped out connection around the islands. Check out
So you may ask again what is the best Internet connection? Ideally It would be the one closest to the Internet hub of the TELCO that has the least number of users and not connected to any data hogging application or software but there is no way of finding out so you will have to run line test to see how good of a connection you can get for any service provider, Globe or Smart / PLDT.
Check out ->Â fastest wifi router tested
Another Legit testing service to get data ->Â http://projectbass.org/
“BASS PH – Bandwidth and Signal Strength is a mobile app designed by volunteers for volunteers to crowdsource location-based bandwidth and signal strength measurements of their carrier of choice to compile actionable data that will used to improve the state of local internet quality in the Philippines.”
Download the APP and join in and contribute to improving the state of local internet in the Philippines!Â
Globe LTE Locations – https://www.globe.com.ph/help/data/lte/lte-coverage-areas
Smart LTE Locations – http://apps.smart.com.ph/network
Here is another service that shows you signal (2G, 3G, 4G) around the islands . They also have Android and iOS apps for download –Â https://www.sensorly.com/en/map/?center=12.99164814342936,119.39280580000002&zoom=5
For the urbanized areas it would be an easy guess… anywhere there is an Ayala Mall, Globe signal should be strong, but it doesnt always follow, it is ideal but dependent on the existing network, the older the city, the older the hardware installed. The bigger the city, the more chances of hardware being upgraded to keep up with capacity and demand.
For the far-flung places, Smart wins hands down, another trick is to check the sari-sari-stores.. they carry the dominant carrier in the area.
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