Opening a can without a can opener is possible, but it takes some time and effort. The first step in opening a can without a can opener is to find something that will work as an improvised tool.
It could be another metal object, such as the lid of the tin or another type of jar or bottle, or even plastic if you’re desperate enough. Whatever it needs to have one sharp edge that would cut through the plastic coating on top of the tin’s lid.
What To Do When There’s No Can Opener?
One of the biggest struggles, when you’re out and about and found out that you don’t have a can opener, is the thought of having to starve until you get back home. But there are usually ways around this, and one of them is using your strength as an improvised tool.
Here are some proven ways to open that without a can opener.
The first step in opening a can without a can opener is to find something that will work as an improvised tool. It could be another metal object, such as the lid of the tin or another type of jar or bottle, or even plastic if you’re desperate enough. Whatever it needs to have one sharp edge that would cut through the plastic coating on top of the tin’s lid.
Once you have that improvised tool, place it right at the edge of one end of the can and start pushing down with your other hand while turning in a counterclockwise motion. Make sure to apply strong but even pressure throughout this process and be careful when moving closer to the top lid.
Use a Knife
The most popular and very first improvised tool for opening a can without a can opener is the ordinary knife. Although this method requires you to use your fingers as tools, it’s also one of the safest and most effective ways to open any kind of metal tin or jar with lids that are difficult or impossible to open by hand.
Use a Spoon or Fork
Next is a spoon or a fork. You will usually need two of those and you’ll have to position them on the edge of the lid, just like with knives and other improvised tools for opening a can without a can opener. Then use one hand as an added weight while pushing down on the spoon/fork handles at the same time turning it in a counterclockwise direction.
Use a Bottle Opener or Screwdriver
You can also use a bottle opener or a screwdriver for opening cans without can openers. This is one of the simplest improvised tools that you can use to get into canned goods, but it’s also very effective and safe to use at home when you need an opened tin right away.
Use Pliers
Pliers are perfect for opening cans without can openers if you’re out camping. All you need to do is find a piece of wood and some string since these are the only materials that will be needed in this improvised tool method.
Take the pliers apart first so they don’t create injuries while cutting through metal lids on tins or other jars. Then use the piece of wood to hold down the can while wrapping your string around it in an X-shape, making sure that you tie both ends together on one side and leave enough slack for placing the pliers in between them.
Use a Machete, Axe, or Any Large Blade
Any large blade will do, be it a machete or an axe. Just make sure that you’re not going to injure yourself while cutting through the metal lid of your canned goods. You can start with placing one end of the blade on top of the tin and pushing down hard until you hear cracking noises from inside – then move closer towards the opposite side so you can cut through the lid in a couple of movements.
Use a Metal File
The metal files can also be used for opening cans without can openers. Although it’s not the simplest tool to improvise with, you can use it if nothing else is available around you. Place your file on top of the tin and push down hard but rather slowly until everything starts moving inside – then pull out all contents from there as fast as possible before they explode by themselves.
Use Concrete Slab or Other Solid Surface
For this method, you’ll need a solid surface that can be used as an improvised tool for opening tin cans. If nothing else is available around you, just find something heavy and hard enough to cut through the metal lid of your canned goods with one strong pushdown. Once again, make sure not to injure yourself while performing this method.
Use Tin Snips
It’s easy to think of tin snips as improvised tools for opening cans, but you’ll need them if there are no other alternatives available around. These types of scissors were created precisely for cutting through metal so they will do the job quickly and safely every time you need an opened canned food. Just make sure to keep them away from children.
Use Hammer
Last but not least, a hammer might also come in handy when you’re opening a can without an opener or any other improvised tool that’s available around you. First of all, use the backside of the hammer to push down on top of your tin until you hear cracking noises inside. Then turn the can upside-down and place it between two hard surfaces so that one end is sticking out.
You can actually use anything to open a can, you just need the right amount of force to pry or lift it open. Remember the can has weakpoint and those are the point that need to be used to open the can.
There you have it, a list of improvised tools for opening cans without can openers. Some of them might be more suitable than others depending on the situation that you’re in at the moment, but as long as you improvise well and use your common sense to come up with something quick – there’s no doubt that you’ll make it out alive after trying out all of these methods.