1. Phishing is a scam practice
Phishing is a scam practice by which thieves obtain personal information from the users of a service. With the help of phishing emails, the hacker calls the user and asks for information like passwords and contacts, which are then used for their own benefit.
Phishing is a scam practice that allows cyber-criminals to steal sensitive information from internet users by masquerading as legitimate companies in an electronic communication, usually an email message. Scammers use different methods to commit phishing attacks, including sending messages from bogus email addresses to end-users, which are designed to trick them into revealing their personal information. If you receive an email that appears to be from a financial institution, a government agency, your employer, or any other legitimate source, do not respond. Instead, respond to the sender from a separate email account that you control.
2. Phishing is a criminal activity for stealing your personal data
Phishing is a common scam that generally involves an email, normally from a company or site you are familiar with, asking you to click on a link that will take you to a different website. If you do, you are asked to log in, and the criminals get your data ready to sell it on to other criminals or scammers. If you don’t log in, there may be no reason to stay at that site and they could delete your data and close your account.
3. Phishing is a way of stealing your money
Phishing attacks are a growing trend, with many people falling victim to online scams every day. Phishing is a form of cyber-crime that involves sending emails that appear to be from a bank, credit card company, social media site, or other e-mail provider in an effort to trick the recipient into disclosing personal information. The most common type of phishing emails you will encounter will be those that appear to be a legitimate email from a bank, credit card company, or social media site.
4. Phishing is used to get your bank information from an unsuspecting user
Being an Internet user, you must have encountered a variety of scams and phishing attacks in your life. These attacks have become a major nuisance for a large number of users, especially for those who have an active online presence such as online banking. In order to avoid being a victim of a phishing attack, you need to know how to protect yourself.
5. Phishing is used to steal money from your bank account
Phishing attacks are a popular way for hackers to steal people’s financial information. Most of these scams start with emails, which resemble official-looking documents, telling you that your account has been locked in error, and that you must click a link to unlock it. These emails often come from banks and other financial institutions, and ask you to click on a link to verify your account, which can lead you to a fake website.
6. Phishing is used to pretend that they are the official account holder to get access to your money.
Phishing attacks are used by criminals to gain access to your personal information. Hackers pretend to be a legitimate website, bank, or other organization to trick you into entering your passwords and other personal information.
If you think you are a victim report it to Authorities right away!
You may also report these incidents to the PNP Anti-Crime Group (PNP-ACG) through www.pnpacg.ph or hotline number at (02) 8723-0401 local 5313. The DOF has also opened its online channels for netizens to report any posts, advertisements, and messages containing false information.
In conclusion, scammers try to trick you out of your money by pretending to be someone you trust over the phone or email. Report any phishing attempt to the Authorities right away to avoid anyone else falling prey to this scam. If this happens to you, don’t be afraid to tell your story!